Wednesday 31 August 2011

BTEC Level 4 Security & Risk Management and International Close Protection course filling up quick!

Things are picking up pace here at Symbiotic Security HQ! This fall we've got our second ever BTEC Level 4 Security & Risk Management course running, and it's filling up fast! In the security industry it is quite typical to have a security manager who has a wealth of experience in security, but no experience what so ever in business and we're part of an industry movement that hopes to change this and make the security industry more professional.

But that's not all we're running. September sees our first International Close Protection course, where we'll be flying a group of students to Cannes to do their Close Protection firearms training with real handguns (illegal here in the UK, and therefore a golden opportunity to anyone who is serious about getting into VIP Close Protection).

Our Close Protection instructors are leaders in their field, and now with the added input from the highly-experienced ASP Bodyguard instructors we have perfected our course into an elite close protection training course that will look amazing on your CV.

- The Symbiotic Security Team

Our Website
ASP Bodyguard

Monday 22 August 2011

BTEC Level 4 Security & Risk Management Testimonials

Our next BTEC Level 4 Security & Risk Management course is taking place in October - still uncertain about calling us and booking your place on the course? Then look no further. Here is what Konstantin Cheresko (Metropol Security), Rowland Gbedemah (Iridium Security) and Daniel Aldrige (PRO-TEK-U ltd.) have had to say about their experiences on our course:

Traditionally security managers have always been chosen based on experience rather than actual qualifications. What this creates is a lack of understanding when it comes to the business needs of an organisation - and how the security side can enhance the organisations business goals. When all the other heads of departments are qualified managers, having the tools and the knowledge to discuss and negotiate with other department heads is a powerful thing. This is what our course is all about - addressing this need in the security industry. the fact of the matter is, the security industry is changing - and Symbiotic Security is spearheading this change. We're looking at a security evolution.

- The Symbiotic Security Team

Our Website

Monday 15 August 2011

Things have been busy these past two weeks at the Symbiotic Security HQ as we've been running a close protection course while simultaneously being in the finalising stages of launching our International Close Protection course in conjunction with ASP Bodyguard in Cannes, France. The feedback on the last Close Protection course has been overwhelmingly positive:

"All those activities considered ‘curve balls’ were very well received. All the students suggested that this was the best type of training as it best mimicked what CP work is in the real world.

Upon mentioning instructors the entire group immediately showed an overwhelming amount of respect and gratitude; they went as far as to say the course would not be a shadow of what it is without them.

The background of instructors was picked out as a real selling point and students said they were immediately put at ease when instructors gave them their phone numbers and told them they’d be available 24/7.
The students all very much enjoyed the course and said they would instantly recommend it to others; one student pointed out that they already had. It seems that it is very good value for money and could well be increased without causing any controversy."

Student feedback plays an integral role in how we can improve our courses and make them the best that they can be, and all the positive responses we've recieved is a confirmation that we're on the right track to making our CP courses relevant and engaging for our students. So if you've ever thought about going into close protection, now is the time to do it.

In September we will be launching out International Close Protection course that will include firearms training in France, as well as the right to operate in both the UK and in France, doubling your employment opportunities. And besides, who doesn't want to spend a week in Cannes?

- The Symbiotic Security Team

ASP Bodyguard

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Welcome to our new blog!

Due to some technical issues with the old blog we've been forced to create a new one. However, if you want to read over any of the old posts you are free to do so here:

Old Symbiosec blog


- The Symbiotic Security Team.